First Years
It is our utmost pleasure to welcome you into your first year of studies at Notre Dame!
The Notre Dame Student Association are YOUR representatives. We are here to help you and represent your concerns and interests. We can do this through a variety of different ways! The NDSA runs numerous giveaways, social events as well as academic and welfare support events throughout the year. One great example is our free food pantry located upstairs in Prindiville Hall. We regularly stock that with non-perishable ingredients that you can make a healthy meal with.
We want to make significant changes here at Notre Dame but we need your input to do it! Concerned about an issue on campus or want something to change? Let us know so we can bring it up to the university! Check out our About Us and Meet the NDSA pages for a full list of our roles and our contact emails. And remember to follow our Instagram (@ndsafreo) for the latest news and events or check out our events calendar here.
We've been in your shoes and we can all remember a healthy mixture of excitement and fear. What if I didn’t like anyone in my classes? What if I figured out I hated what I studied? These fears are very real and you are certainly not the first to think of them. It can be overwhelming starting something new but stick with it and it could be one of the best decision of your life. University is where you can truly discovered who you are and what is important to yourself. Notre Dame offers a lot of opportunities to further yourself and your career and we encourage all of you to take them!
University will certainly challenge you but that challenge is what lets you grow and blossom into a better version of yourself. To help you succeed here, the NDSA has created a First Year Guide to help ease you into Notre Dame life by providing resources as well as some tips and tricks. We hope it helps you make the most of your time here!